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A personal comic idea for the future

A slight of life comic strip about members of an art club where the 6 club members have their own style of art that reflect their personalities and background. 


Story Concept

This story came from 2 ideas of mine.


One being the little details in people I came to noticed which is how each artists have their own styles. This is not always the case though majority of the time certain type of style attracted certain type of people. This lead me to imagine what it would be like to try and amp that details up; those who have a more realistic art style having dull, prim and proper clothes, those who have have rebellious tendencies and refuse to conform to the norm having unconventional ways of creating arts, etc.


Another idea that inspired this story is the simple fact that many of my peers as I grew up have passion in art in all form from painting to music to writing, and they have the talent to peruse those careers. Yet, society or their parents refused to let them follow through with what they want in favor of academic studies for more 'successful career'. I want to create story that will teach the future generations that despite what others say, academic scores and our parents wishes does not and should not determine your life, your passion should be what drives you to create, to succeed, to live. There's so much more than becoming a lawyer or doctor to pleased our family members. If the reason you pick a career is for someone else's sake then what's the point of living? To put the lesson simply;


“A life without passion is not a life - it is merely an existence.”
― Leslie Fieger

Story Plot


The story started when Anne Certayn, a college student who's still uncertain of their goal in life, had to pick a club to complete their extra credits. Their immediate thought was to do what they always did, pick the a club that would allowed them to do nothing during club activities. Unfortunately for them, the members of the Art club had other plans. Throughout the year Anne and the others learn to let their passion guide them through life instead of what others wish of them.



Carter Wasily

The leader of the Art club. Major in Marketing with Communication minor. He's currently in his 3rd year.

By far he's the most passionate and aware of his goal in life to be able to open his own gallery.

He's fun loving, enthusiastic and unapologetically show his truest self in everything he does.

His art style; Abstract Expressionism. The reason for this is because of how carefree and emotion based this era of art history is which suit him perfectly

His design inspiration: DeStijl

Program: Procreate

Date: 9th January 2024

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