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Mila's office


Environmantal Design Assignment

an environment for the character Mila, as a continuation to character design assignment


In this retelling of Snow White, everything took place in a futueristic fantasy world. In the original Snow White by the brothers Grimm, everything took place in somewhere before 19th Century, Germany. So, I took a lot of inspiration from Gothic architecture.

Because the original Snow White's iconic feature is the apple, on top of this story revolve around the idea that Mila/the mirror is the one who keep giving 'apple' to the current evil queen, I try to include a lot of apple motif like the trunk shape and vines. Almost mimcking the Art nouveau movement.

Lastly, when we speak of "futeristic" I tend to think of unconventional lights sources, floating furnitures and minimalistic arrangement, so I also try to incorporate that into how the furniture are arrange in the room, in contrast to the decorative vines.

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