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You found a secret message!


Secret to tell!

Another inspiration of this story is from an old anime called 'Ouran High School Host Club'. In this anime there's a scene involving one of the main characters, Kyoya who had his life planned out by his parents and live in the world where everything he had ever done is for the sake of pleasing his parents and upholding the family company's name. Simply put, his live had always been a perfect painting inside a frame. That is until he came to meet Tamaki who at first Kyoya wanted to befriend for all the business benefit, however as time went on Tamaki confused him and eventually manage to make Kyoya realize that he can write his own path in his own life.


As someone else once said in an article;


"Have you ever heard the analogy that life is like a blank canvas? And you, the painter, equipped with all the colours and brushes of your own unique traits and abilities, are able to paint on the canvas whatever you wish"


"If you feel like your canvas is already set inside a frame and you are unhappy about how that barrier is limiting you, -- The frame will bar you only as much as you allow it. There are no limits to what you can do and be, if you want it bad enough. Your greatest desire determines your outcome."​


Personally, I believe this is such a good lesson to be told. What your family or society tell you is the limit does not have to be the limit. And I believe the greatest way to convey this is through each style of art. Throughout history, art had always been about self expression and breaking the limits; from Impressionism fighting against Paris de Salon ideal of "Art" to Dada as a movement. Most-- if not all period and movement of art revolve around groups of people going against the odd, experimenting and expressed themselves which are things we should apply in our lives. Go beyond limits, experiment with somethings new and never stop expressing who we are


Even though, this moment is simply a small moment in a RomCom series, it's an important lesson to learn. Especially to those who are young and finding themselves. I was fortunate that my parents allow me to paint outside the frame and write my own paths but not many people are as lucky. Specially those of POC descend. Our parents and grandparents put so much emphasis on the ideal career and academic scores that the kids had lost all passion in what they're interested in. Ask any teenager from middle school to even college about their goal in life and I guarantee you 7 times out of 10 they will say they don't know. I find that extremely sad that we always prioritize career such as, doctor, lawyer. engineer or something similar just because the difference these career make to society are do obvious. However, artists of any kind can make as much of a difference and be as successful as those careers. 


The sole goal for this story is to bring these problem to light and set the next generations free from the curse that started by the older generations so they can live a life full of passion and not simply following the wishes of others. I want to see people perusing art and music and literature without worrying that they will disappoint their parents because living a life of passion should not be something shameful.


I want the next generation to know and fully understand that if our lives are blank canvas, the choice is always theirs to paint above and beyond the frame



You collected 4 secrets

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