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6511294_Kanyakorn_AAD1003_A5_Conceptshoes _Compsketch.jpeg

Concept Shoes

In this assignment to learn how to integrate aesthetics and practicalities of footwear while learn how to take inspiration from using different medium and material and transform them into something new.

Concept: Steam of life

The shoes itself is inspired by the steampunk genre, specially the castle from "Howl's Moving Castle", showing the messiness and beauty of life and how sometimes you have to move forward to find where you truly belong. Similar to how Howl's castle kept moving until he found Sophie. Also, it's reflect how even with all the messiness of streampunk cities they are still thriving with their technologies and continues to work around the mess and go forward


Final result

Medium: recycle material, mixed media
Date: 10th March 2023


Students work showcase during the week of September 4th, 2023

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