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Despite everything I say about my goal is true there's another driving force.

S P I T E​

Have you ever watch a media and get so frustrated and angry, not at how bad it is but how much potential it have? or how something are just corporation blatantly trying to take advantages of minority and LGBTQ+ community lack of representation to gain cheap brownie points without even trying to make anything good? Those media anger me to no end.

Sometimes I see a media and feel that it can be better and I make that my driving force to graduated and put money where my mouths is. I say I can do better with those concepts and characters and I am going to prove that I'm right. Is it overly ambitious and a bit arrogant to think that? maybe but I'll let my work speak for me if it's earned or not.

I am going to be the changes I want to see in the world no matter what anyone say because if I don't create what I want to see, what I want to be represented in main stream media, then who else will? Certainly not those who had been fumbling the bag because they want to maximize their chances of making money.


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