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You found a secret message!


What's the secret?

This hives have a secret messages hidden within the bees and honeycomb that scatter around through out the website.


What kind of secret messages? Some truth about certain art concept, a shoutout to people who have supported my passion, random tangent that is not appropriate for professional setting and many more! Consider it something fun and interactive while you look through the beautiful art in front of you

Here's another secret!

None of these work would've been possible without all the people in my life who had supported me and helped me when I reached a dead end in my work. Thank to my family, my friends and my teachers who help me all these time. I am not good with words of affirmation so let me say this in secret; I am who I am because of all of you. Thank you for being in my life and I will treasure our time together, the good and the bad. I hope whatever happen next I'll make you proud

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